Published on: 26-Jan 06:59pm
We provide estimated delivery date on the product page. These dates are calculated as per our previous analysis of delivery time, sometimes products will arrive much earlier than the estimated delivery date. Very few orders will have exceptions which may take slightly longer than the one shown in the product page.
Delivery date depends on the products. Most of the products in our store will be imported and delivered.
Products will be shipped in 2 stages.
Stage 1: International supplier to Tanotis Warehouse(We will ship the product to customer address within 24 hours of receiving international shipment)(Tanotis handles import duties and custom clearance)
Stage 2: Tanotis Warehouse to Customer Address
We provide tracking details for shipments so customer can have a better idea on the delivery timelines. We strive to deliver the product as early as possible. Customer can track their order here. Tanotis Tracking Page
Note: Some of the products we sell on our store are specialized products and not easily available to procure. These shipments may have a longer estimated delivery dates, however the same will be mentioned in the product page.
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